Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
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160 lines
# make file for Borland C++ 3.x
# and Phar Lap LITE286 DOS extender
# both LITE286 bin and BORLANDC bin directories must be on the path
# where to place gnuplot.gih helpfile
HELPFILE = gnuplot.gih
# location of LITE286 Pharlap Extender
# location of Turbo C compiler
TC = c:\borlandc
# name of C compiler
CC = bcc
#CC = tcc
# location of TLINK.EXE and TCC.EXE or BCC.EXE
BIN = $(TC)\bin\\
#BIN =
# location of BGI files,
# change this line if not in TC directory, i.e. $(TC)\bgi
BGI = $(TC)\bgi
# -c means don't link, -f means emulate 8087 if not present
# -ml says large model
# -M means produce link map
# -y means include line numbers for debugger
# -v means include debug info
# -w- means ignore warnings and do not report them
# -DREADLINE to use the history/line editing capability. If you want this
# capability add -DREADLINE to CFLAGS
CFLAGS = -Ff=256 -c -f -ml -w- -I$(TC)\include -DMSDOS -DPC -DREADLINE
OBJ1 = bitmap.obj command.obj contour.obj eval.obj graphics.obj graph3d.obj
OBJ2 = help.obj internal.obj misc.obj parse.obj plot.obj readline.obj
OBJ3 = scanner.obj setshow.obj specfun.obj standard.obj term.obj util.obj
OBJ4 = version.obj gnubin.obj binary.obj
BGIFILES = cga.bgi egavga.bgi herc.bgi att.bgi
OBJS = $(OBJ1) $(OBJ2) $(OBJ3) $(OBJ4)
CSOURCE5 = term\aed.trm term\cgi.trm term\dumb.trm term\dxy.trm \
term\eepic.trm term\epson.trm term\fig.trm term\hp26.trm \
term\hp2648.trm term\hpgl.trm term\hpljii.trm
CSOURCE6 = term\impcodes.h term\imagen.trm term\object.h \
term\iris4d.trm term\kyo.trm term\latex.trm term\pc.trm
CSOURCE7 = term\post.trm term\qms.trm term\regis.trm term\sun.trm \
term\t410x.trm term\tek.trm term\unixpc.trm term\unixplot.trm \
term\v384.trm term\x11.trm
CSOURCE8 = contour.c specfun.c gnubin.c binary.c
all: gnuplot.exe $(HELPFILE) demo\bf_test.exe $(BGIFILES)
# use response file to avoid command-line overflow
gnuplot.exe: $(OBJS)
$(BIN)tlink @&&!
$(LITE)\bc3\lib\c0pl +
bitmap command eval graphics graph3d help internal misc parse +
plot scanner setshow specfun standard term util version contour +
gnubin binary +
readline +
$(LITE)\bc3\lib\emu286.lib +
,gnuplot,gnuplot, +
$(TC)\lib\emu +
$(TC)\lib\mathl +
$(LITE)\bc3\lib\graph286.lib +
$(LITE)\bc3\lib\phapi +
$(LITE)\bc3\lib\bcl286, +
# default rules
bitmap.obj: bitmap.c bitmap.h plot.h
command.obj: command.c plot.h setshow.h help.h
$(LITECC) $(CFLAGS) command.c
contour.obj: contour.c plot.h
eval.obj: eval.c plot.h
graphics.obj: graphics.c plot.h setshow.h
graph3d.obj: graphics.c plot.h setshow.h
help.obj: help.c plot.h help.h
internal.obj: internal.c plot.h
misc.obj: misc.c plot.h setshow.h help.h
parse.obj: parse.c plot.h
$(LITECC) $(CFLAGS) parse.c
plot.obj: plot.c plot.h setshow.h
$(LITECC) $(CFLAGS) plot.c
readline.obj: readline.c
scanner.obj: scanner.c plot.h
setshow.obj: setshow.c plot.h setshow.h
specfun.obj: specfun.c
standard.obj: standard.c plot.h
# the CSOURCE? dependencies are not up to date (but who cares)
term.obj: term.c term.h plot.h setshow.c bitmap.h $(CSOURCE5) $(CSOURCE6) $(CSOURCE7)
$(LITECC) $(CFLAGS) $(TERMFLAGS) -Iterm term.c
util.obj: util.c plot.h
version.obj: version.c
# convert gnuplot.doc to gnuplot.gih
$(HELPFILE): doc2gih.exe docs\gnuplot.doc
doc2gih docs\gnuplot.doc $(HELPFILE)
doc2gih.exe: docs\doc2gih.c
$(BIN)$(CC) -w- -ml -I$(TC)\include -L$(TC)\lib docs\doc2gih.c
demo\bf_test.exe: bf_test.c binary.obj
$(BIN)$(CC) -edemo\bf_test.exe -w- -ml -I$(TC)\include -L$(TC)\lib bf_test.c binary.obj
# copy Borland Graphics Interface files to current directory
cga.bgi: $(BGI)\cga.bgi
copy $(BGI)\$< $<
egavga.bgi: $(BGI)\egavga.bgi
copy $(BGI)\$< $<
herc.bgi: $(BGI)\herc.bgi
copy $(BGI)\$< $<
att.bgi: $(BGI)\att.bgi
copy $(BGI)\$< $<
# clean target - remove all temp files, but leave executable intact
# needed when changing configuration (model or overlaying)
del *.obj
del gnuplot.map
del doc2gih.exe
# realclean target - remove all files created by the makefile
realclean: clean
del gnuplot.exe
del gnuplot.gih
del demo\bf_test.exe
del demo\binary1
del demo\binary2
del demo\binary3